Saturday, August 25, 2007

shoutouts to global warming

whoa...i better get this load off my mind before it melts away like a smog induced mirage. well, we have finally returned to big city. yes, big city has many sushi places. speaking of which i never got a call back from teh sushi restaurant i applied at in nanaimo, or any other sushi restaurant i applied at in my life for that matter. hmm. i wonder why.
thats about all i can think of that i like about big city at the moment.
let me take you on a trip into the past. me and antonio spent three uneventful days on the greyhound bus getting to toronto, but just getting on the bus was an effort in itself. we departed from sooke by bus to get to the swartz bay ferry on the morning of the 19th cuz it was raining like a mofo, and i was just not in the mood to bust my knee sockets for 100km, then sit in my own slop of sweatiness on the bus ride to toronto. ferry. bus to airport. bike to station. all took way longer than expected (sumpin like 6.5 hours). our goal of catching the 6:45 bus out of vancouver, while still realizable had one minor flaw. that being that the courier office needed to ship our bikes back home closed at 5pm. we arrived 20 minutes late. fortunately the bus was "full" anyway (whatever that means) so we were stranded. its so lovely having wonderful friends you can count on to offer their floor to you, and Matthew Carol and Elissa Smith are some of such friends. very wonderful and cuddly friends who sheltered us from the lurking dangers of the big wet west city for the night. next day despite pre-planning we ended up running around sweating anyway while trying to get our bikes packed and onto the bus along with lots of trail mix for the journey ahead. whew. relax. ahhh.
sooke was also a wicked good time spent with the lovely leah and her lovely parents, eating lovely salmon freshly fished, taking some lovely leisurely bike rides, picking lotsa lovely berries, and just enjoying ourselves. can your parents adopt me leah?
the look on her face was priceless when we pulled up to her house at 9pm (after pseudo-stalking her address from teh phone book). it was my first day riding over 100km, just. from ganges on saltspring island, along the lochside trail, to victoria and the galloping goose to sooke. the goose is one kickass trail. flatter than roadkill.
the same cannot be said for saltpsing island, further enforcing the hilly reputation of the gulf islands. getting there was an easy 50km ride from cedar, the crew being the usual 2 suspects accompanied by our brutha in bikerly brawn, brian williams. we camped out at really cool farm ( habitated by equally cooool hosts Jan and Carol. We went on a tour of the place to learn about all teh coooool projects that were in teh works such as the cooooooool veggie oil run van and the biodiesel production area. thats what got my toes a-tingling. for the rest of the two days we got put to work real good like good farmer boys diggin', hoin' and tractorin' up a storm and were provided with lots of yummy food and a wonderful atmosphere to live in exchange.
well...thats about it. hope the next batch of interns have as much fun as we did. until next time, here's john and antonio sayin'...keep your stick on the ice...ka-boom-boom-psshhh ka-boom-boom-psshhh...ineverplayicehockeyanymorecuztheresnowinter...ka-boom-boom-psshhh, oh yaaaaa...globalwarming!!!

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